The ASU-AIKE lab was founded in 2005 and belongs to the Computer Science department, Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
The Lab is currently composed of 3 full Profs., 3 Assistant Prof., 15 Drs (PhD holders) 5 of them from Arabic countries, 10 PhD students and 5 Msc students.

We are working in the following disciplines:
  1. Intelligent Information Processing, Data Mining.
  2. Knowledge Engineering and Expert Systems.
  3. Image Processing and Pattern Recognition.
  4. Data Science and Big Data Analytics
  5. Intelligent Education and Smart Learning.
  6. Medical Informatics, Bio-informatics and e-Health.
  7. Computing Intelligence and Machine learning
  8. Internet of Things(IoT), Technologies for HealthCare
  9. Space Science and Cosmic Rays Big Data Analytics